Kootenai | Kootenai Health | Issue 3, 2014 - page 18

Community Benefit
$81.3 million
Community benefit activities
are programs and services
hospitals provide to help
improve health and increase
access to health care in their
communities. During 2013,
Kootenai Health provided
approximately $81.3 million
in qualified community bene-
fits to people in our region.*
$39.4 million
Insurance Programs
Many people don’t know that
programs like Medicare, Medic-
aid and State or County insurance
programs do not pay the full cost for
the care their participants receive.
In 2013, Kootenai Health absorbed
$39.4 million in costs that were not
reimbursed by these payors. That
included $33.1 million for Medicare
patients, $5.2 million for Medicaid
patients and $1.1 million for state
and county patients.
$11.3 million
Free and Discounted Care
Kootenai Health wrote off $6.3
million worth of charges for
patients who could not pay for
their care. Another $5 million was
written off as part of a new discount
program that reduces charges for
uninsured patients by 25 percent.
$27.7 million
Uncompensated Care
(Bad Debt)
$27.7 million worth of charges
to patients who were unwilling to
pay the “patient responsibility” of
their health care bills were also
written off
$2.9 million
Donations, Free Services,
and Programs
Each year Kootenai Health
makes substantial financial and
in-kind donations that benefit our
community. This includes dona-
tions to groups such as Hospice of
North Idaho, and Komen for the
Cure. It also includes the expense of
providing free and low-cost health
screenings and support groups for
patients. In-kind donations also
include expenses and staff time
related to providing training oppor-
tunities for physicians, nurses and
other health care workers. Together,
these donations, free services and
programs are improving how people
are cared for in our community.
This amount includes the following:
*Calculations based on Kootenai Health’s 2013 community benefit report filed with the Idaho Hospital Association.
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