Kootenai | Kootenai Health | Issue 3, 2014 - page 14

Kootenai Health Foundation
2013 was a significant year for the
Kootenai Health Foundation. It marked
the 30
anniversary of the Foundation’s
establishment, and also the 25
Festival of Trees, A Charitable Event.
Albert Martinez, MD, makes a bid at
the 25th annual Festival of Trees.
Dear Friends of the Foundation
$28.7 million
Total lifetime gifts
and income
$11.9 million
Gifted to Kootenai Health
for the update and
expansion of facilities,
services, equipment
and technology
$5.7 million
Raised through
philanthropic events
including the annual
golf tournament and
Festival of Trees
In 1966, Kootenai
Memorial Hos-
pital opened its
doors. Sixteen
years later, Koo-
tenai Memorial
broke ground on a 154,000 square
foot expansion. The year following,
1983, a group of visionary commu-
nity leaders recognized the need
for the Kootenai Memorial Founda-
tion. Little did any of us realize how
drastically health care would change
over the next 30 years.
Today, Kootenai Health is embark-
ing on a new era of growth. As
Kootenai has expanded services in
our community the response has
been overwhelmingly positive. Our
current facility is over capacity and
more space is needed to serve the
increasing number of patients seen
on a daily basis.
Over the course of the past three
decades, our foundation has been
hard at work showing you, our
generous donors, where your phil-
anthropic gifts will make the most
impact for patient care. We have
partnered with community members
like you, business leaders and grant
funding organizations. Together we
have helped improve patient care
facilities, add new equipment, and
brought higher levels of care to our
Today, the Kootenai Health
Foundation is ready to help with
the next major project; a 100,000
square foot hospital expansion.
This expansion will provide the
space needed to care for more
patients, add new services and
meet the ever increasing health care
needs of our community. Your sup-
port will help ensure quality health
care for your friends, family and
neighbors right here in Idaho.
On behalf of Kootenai Health
Foundation, thank you for your
interest in improving health care in
our community. It is our mission and
our privilege to provide the best care
possible for every patient, one day
at a time.
Where helping meets healing,
Shawn Bassham,
Kootenai Health
Foundation President
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