James Curtis, MD
William McCarty
Charlie Nipp
William (Wally) Pfeiffer
Tom Richards
Gladys Schneidmiller
Joe Morris, ex-officio
And the late
James Countryman
William Griffith
Louise Shadduck
Wayne Knudtsen
Marlys Rogers
Art Flagan
Charles Gates, MD
Parker Woodall
Sandra Patano
Wayne Schneider
Paul Anderson
Susan Jacklin
David Chapman
Cathy Kendrick
Ron Bremer
Timothy Quinn, MD
Richard Leichner
Dennis (Denny) Hague
Ellen Jaeger, PhD
Marilyn Montgomery
Gary Schneidmiller
Anna Marie Rolphe
Raymond Bradley
James Terrill
James Lea, MD
James Eisses
John (Jack) Yuditsky
Joy Richards
Leo Notar
Richard (Rick) Barton
Tom Addis
John Beutler
Joseph Fabiano
Liese Razetto
Ron McIntire
Terence Neff, MD
Judy Lunceford
Robert Yuditsky
Dan Clark
And the late
William Giesa
Alan Markizon
Richard (Dick) Sams
Board Of Directors
The purpose of the Kootenai Health
Foundation is to be responsive to the growing
needs of the hospital by providing philanthropic
support through the time, talents, and treasures
of our generous board members, donors,
volunteers, staff and community of friends.
Governed by a ten-member board of volunteers,
the Kootenai Health Foundation encourages
private support from individuals, corporations,
private foundations and other institutions to help
ensure Kootenai Health meets the growing health
care needs of northern Idaho.
John Young
Board Member
Georgianne Jessen
Board Member
Russ Porter
Board Member
Peter Wagstaff
Mike Chapman
Vice Chairman
Albert Martinez, MD
Board Member
Linda Fournier
Steven Griffitts
Denise Leonard
Board Member
Current Board Of Directors
Robert J. Yuditsky
Past Chair