Kootenai | Kootenai Health | Issue 3, 2014 - page 17

“Making Spirits Bright” was the
theme for the first annual Festival
of Trees hosted by the Kootenai
Health Foundation, and to this day
it continues to be one of the most
beloved holiday events in the greater
Coeur d’Alene
The charita-
ble event was
brought to the
area in 1989
thanks to Jim
Faucher, re-
tired Executive
Director of the Foundation. Enlist-
ing support to set the planning in
motion, many community members
stepped up to make this holiday gala
happen. Special thanks go to Sue
Thilo, Cyndi Hippler, Konni Leichner,
and Kristen Enders for their tireless
work as the most amazing “Tree
Queens”, each serving as
a Festival of Trees chair between
1989 and 2000.
Since that time the Kootenai Health
Foundation staff, most notably
Bonnie Delyea and Diane Murray,
have worked
year-round with
a multitude of
sponsors and
friends to
make the
Festival of
Trees, A Charitable Event one
to remember! Please join us
as we rally community support
and assistance to continue
making this four-day Christmas
tradition happen. The 26
annual Festival of Trees will be
held on Thanksgiving weekend
at the Coeur d’Alene Resort.
2013 Highlights
Total gifted to Kootenai Health from the Foundation = $1,088,927
Cancer Services
$ 7,924
Cancer Patient Support Fund
$ 32,000
Cardiology - EKG replacement units
$ 58,842
Emergency Department - computer accessories
$ 31,502
Heart Center - electrophysiology equipment
$ 456,857*
Laboratory Equipment
$ 97,585
$ 346,373**
$ 5,000
Youth Grants - acute behavioral, inpatient, rehab, therapy $ 22,366
Volunteer Services - SafeKids
$ 3,724
Walden House
$ 3,983
Misc. - services, equipment
$ 22,771
*2011 Festival of Trees cause-Heart Rhythm Services **2012 Festival of Trees cause-Neonatal Intensive Care
Come Grow With Us!
The Kootenai Health Foundation has
a new building on the north end of
the Kootenai Health campus. We in-
vite you to visit us anytime between
8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday at 2271 Ironwood
Center Drive in Coeur d’Alene.
Keep up to date with Koote-
nai Health Foundation news
and events: Like and follow
us on Facebook at
Learn how your gifts contribute to
patient-centered health care in our
community, contact the Foundation
office at
or visit
Thanks to a wonderfully
giving community of
supporters, philanthropic
dollars raised through the
Festival of Trees totals
nearly $5.2 million!
Ron and Joanne McIntire at the Gala.
Brian Crain performs during the Gala.
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