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despite the holiday. After a swift

evaluation, it was determined

Erica would need an emergency


Before being able to undergo

surgery, Erica needed a blood

transfusion to replace some of

the blood she had lost. The team

was able to get an IV started for

the transfusion, but by the time

Erica reached the operating room

for the procedure, the anesthesi-

ologist had to start a new IV—her

vein was no good. After several

attempts to get an IV started,

Dr. Penney was forced to start the


“Erica was given local anes-

thesia,” Dr. Webb said. “There

just wasn’t a way to give her a

regional or a general anesthetic

when the case was started. We

did get her off to sleep a few

seconds later.”

What struck Dr. Webb most

was Dr. Penney’s compassion and

Erica’s bravery. “He told her it

was going to hurt, and she told

him to go ahead,” she said. “I

also remember Cassy Oddy, the

charge nurse, saying, ‘You just

hold my hand and squeeze as

hard as you like,’ and that’s what

Erica did. Cassy never left her.”

The C-section was a success,

and at just 33 weeks and

3 days; 4 pounds, 15 ounces

and 18 inches, Elena Brynn was

welcomed into the world.

“When Dr. Penney put the baby

in my arms, she began to cry, and

I knew she was going to be okay,”

Dr. Webb said. “I have never felt

more proud of our team than I did

in that moment.”

The next thing Erica remembers

is waking up in the recovery room

and seeing her husband’s face.

“He was trying to tell me some-

thing,” she recalled. She said it

took several minutes before she

could comprehend what Brett was

saying, but eventually “We have a

baby girl” resonated.


Elena and Erica were transferred

back to Kadlec after spending a

few days at Kootenai Health. To

ensure mom and baby could go

home together, Kootenai helped

by paying for half of the neonatal

transfer costs.

Elena is a happy, healthy baby

girl today. She was released from

Kadlec’s neonatal intensive care

unit after 24 days. Since being

born, Elena has nearly doubled

her weight and continues to thrive

under the care of her parents.

“It’s amazing how everything

fell into place on Labor Day,”

Erica said. “If it hadn’t been

for Lynn, Dr. Penney, Dr. Webb,

the emergency response team

and all the nursing staff at

Kootenai, Elena and I wouldn’t

be here today. We are very

blessed that things went as

well as they did.”

Expecting? Kootenai Health’s Birthing Center

offers the highest standards of care. For more

information, call

(208) 625-4276
