This response extends beyond the
emergency room, into Kootenai’s
surgical services, which are also
being expanded to accommodate a
larger patient population.
“Kootenai Health has been in
need of an operating room expan-
sion for over a decade,” Ed DeTar,
M.D., chair of Kootenai Health
Surgical Services, said. “Many of
the existing operating rooms are
simply too small. Robotic surgery,
advanced endovascular techniques,
advanced spine instrumentation
and other surgeries require large
rooms, most of which our current
operating room cannot accommo-
date. With better work flow designs,
larger rooms and more availability
of theses rooms, our patients will
benefit from more timely surgery,
lower risks of infection and access
to advanced, state-of-the-art care.”
Community members and busi-
nesses can kick off the holiday
season and support the hospital
expansion project by attending
the Festival of Trees events. Visit
KH.org/foundationor contact the
Foundation at
(208) 625-4438
Schedule of Events:
Friday, Nov. 25
Friday d’Lights, 5 to 8 p.m.
Sponsored by Kootenai Health’s
Open to the public; donations
accepted at the door.
Food and beverages available
for purchase.
Saturday, Nov. 26
Festival Brunch, 9 to 11 a.m.
Sponsored by North Idaho Eye
Advance tickets required ($25
per ticket).
Festival Gala, 5 p.m. to midnight.
Sponsored by Mountain
West Bank.
Advance reservations required.
Sunday, Nov. 27
Family Day, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sponsored by Numerica
Credit Union.
Open to the public; donations
accepted at the door.
Children’s Workshop, 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Sponsored by Coeur
d’Alene Pediatrics.
Visit with Santa, Children’s
Workshop, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 28
Luncheon Fashion Show,
11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Friends of the
Robert Yuditsky, Scarlet Kelso,
Matt DiNinno and Cory Baer.
Advance tickets required (price
varies by seating).
Dinner Fashion Show, 5 to 8 p.m.
Sponsored by Mountain
Power Construction.
Advance tickets required (price
varies by seating).
Fashion Show Production.
Underwritten by Wells Fargo.
Greg and his
wife, Laura,
before his
accident while
on a trip from
Salt Lake City to
northern Idaho.
Greg stayed at Kootenai Health for
almost two weeks after a motorcycle
Greg Nordfelt (center) survived a
life-threatening motorcycle crash
in 2011 and wanted to celebrate
the fifth anniversary by meeting
his care team for the first time
since his hospital stay. Pictured
are (from left): Rita McNeilly,
physical therapist; Todd Putren,
executive director of Critical Care
and Emergency Services; Chauntae
Peterson, RN; Joseph Bowen, M.D.;
Greg and Laura Nordfelt; William
Ganz, M.D.; and Kelsy Young, RN.
W E ’ R E G R O W I N G
To learn more about the Emergency and Surgi-
cal Services expansion, visit
KH.org/phase2 .To learn more about
the Kootenai Health Foundation and ways you can donate, visit
KH.org/foundationor call
(208) 625-4438