Kootenai | Kootenai Health | Issue 1, 2024

process improvement to make sure every part of the trauma system works together—from the EMS providers on scene and the blood bank in the ED to the integration of rehabilitation services, which optimizes a patient’s recovery after an injury. “Our team has the resources and training to provide the most up-to-date, nationally recognized best practices for care,” said Amanda Pringle, RN, manager of Kootenai Health’s trauma program. “With numerous people responding, we Working to Prevent Trauma Too As a trauma center, Kootenai Health is committed to injury prevention to reduce traumas across the region. The trauma program tracks the number and types of injuries seen in the emergency department. In the past year, 45 percent of the trauma injuries seen were ground-level falls, such as tripping and falling or slipping on ice. Falls from a height were the next most common, followed by motor vehicle accidents, then motorcycle accidents. Injury prevention programs are developed by the trauma team to provide community education, with the goal of reducing injuries. “Bingocize” is a fall prevention program focused on health education, mobility, flexibility and exercise that is provided to older adults around the region. Other injury prevention programs the trauma team has developed include: • Distracted driving courses • Helmet safety fairs • ATV safety training • Stop the Bleed • Water safety Many of these programs are offered in partnership with local sponsors and businesses. all patients. We are also sharing what we’ve learned and participating in training opportunities with other northern Idaho hospitals.” “The requirements for a Level II trauma center go well beyond the clinical care expectations while a patient is in the hospital,” Dr. Richardson said. “There is also a requirement for strong administrative support, excellent collaboration with EMS systems and community outreach. Additionally, there is a requirement for a dedicated trauma program team to work behind the scenes to track every aspect of the trauma program, make sure the highest level of care is consistently rendered to our patients, and track and report our outcomes to the ACS.” “The transition to a Level II trauma center required the engagement and dedication of literally everyone in the hospital system,” Dr. Richardson said. “Everyone should be very proud of the part they played in this accomplishment.” all must work together seamlessly as a team. We pride ourselves on ensuring that the best care is given to every patient.” That level of care extends beyond the ED. “The work the trauma team has done has elevated care across the hospital,” said Dershi Bussey, director of emergency and time sensitive emergencies. “It has created higher expectations for all nurses and holds everyone to the highest standards. It has elevated care for KH.ORG 17